Recent Work with Cosmic Themes

Cover for Recent Work with Cosmic Themes

Circa (pretentious word in my head, yours too?);

2024Q1-Q2 I Discover Astro

…or, Astro discovers me?!


This is NOT about the dog from the Jetsons, but the AMAZING “framework?”, “Static Site Generator (SSG)’, … that is known as Astro.


I am BEGINNER with Astro. To be honest with you, I still don’t actually know what it does. But what I do know, is working in the FE is a piece of cake! I am a BE developer by trade, but far more full-stack and full-full-stack than most.

✔️ I Needed Wanted

  1. Online Identity Homepage (Portfolio? Linktree?)

  2. Template for a business I want to work with

  3. Template for my business

  4. Template for, my teenage son and my new
    “Organization to Help Fat Fathers Connect with their Teenage Children”

    1. If you take the “their” out of that mission statement, it sounds super duper creepy.
  5. Template for something else?

I See Galaxy

I saw a super pretty theme ("Galaxy") and decided it was a bargain to buy the very cooly named author’s All Access One-Time Purchase plan.

I have been ever so impressed since! This dev knows what he is doing!


    1. This website!
    2. Very small (~3 pages) but nicer than old one.

    1. “Helping Fat Fathers connect with their teenagers”


    1. Trying the “naked domain” thing, but I think I prefer when sharing.
    2. www 301 redirects to naked domain so all-good?

    1. A company I want to work with 😉.
    2. Customized first top of page to see if they are in.

📷 Screenshots

#wip #todo #80percent